Ebayniac Fo Sho!

Wow. I haven't listened to these in, like, seriously forever. I think a tear ran down my cheek. Or my snot was making its way north for the summer. 

Demon Knight: 
Hey, it's not too bad really.  I won't sell anything I'm too embarrassed to sing with the windows down at a really long and unforgiving red light on a hot steamy Monday afternoon or in front of cats. Cats are the worst critics. I was attacked once for singing Dinah Washington's Mad about the boy....15 stitches in the eye.

To Buy on Ebay:

**Let it be known...it might take a moment for the track to start playing here. or anywhere here...I don't know why, it's the way things are.

The Prodigy:
I really loved this album when I bought it and I don't think I can fault it for anything listening to it a few reincarnations later. 

Still a good listen. Maybe even a little dance sesh in the living room? eh?...yea....

To Buy on Ebay: 


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