"T" Is For Terror
The latest book I've read and ashamedly the first book I've completed in six months or more.
It was an excellent use of time this past week, if for no other reason than to ignite the blue flame in the part of my brain that loves to read. I have missed that insatiable appetite for turning the page and the excitement of watching the story unfold in my imagination. It also happened to be a very good read. Part historical fiction-part science fiction ( I guess), it follows the tale of the Lost Franklin expedition in 1845 and the disappearance of the entire 128 man crew. A mystery that plagues the minds of people enough to this day to warrant efforts into investigation.
The bits and pieces I have read of the actual known details are fascinating enough, not to mention the arctic mummies on Beechey island

So, it's a very popular story in arctic discovery and exploration. I mean, a book has been written around it. A very very thick book I might add.
The ending is important in all things.
I am not disappointed with the final chapters in The Terror. I am not overly joyed either. I became quite emotional in some instances within the story, perhaps because of the reality of what those 128 men experienced. We'll never know.
So, feeling accomplished in my week's reading and completion of a whole book, and a spark of interest in arctic exploration, I spent some time browsing wikipedia and google maps learning a little more about the area and terrain and that sorta thing. I don't usually look a globes and I'm so used to seeing a horizontal map of the world that when I searched for a global view of the North Pole. I was astonished to see the vast Arctic Sea so...there! I mean, why bother navigating through the Canadian Archipelago where ice is more likely to block the channels and open waterways? Why not just go via the sea? Well, maybe this question is relevant for post 2007 and someone like me who has so little understanding of many things, but before climate change, the arctic sea was a massive block of ice for most of the year, or all of it.
So, anyway, as of summer 2007 the North West Passage is open and ready for business because of, presumably, global warming. The question is whether or not the warming is a natural change or initiated by the work of evil human beans. HAHA! and this is where the conspiracy brain kicks in. I've heard of chemtrails mentioned by the likes of Doreen Virtue on HayHouse Radio and a few other interviewees on Coast to Coast AM and I understand roughly what they are supposed to be. Streaks in the sky released via aircraft that contain chemicals for some purpose. Extinguishing fires, crop dusting, and some people think behavior and weather modification, the latter two with less tangible proof except for one funny thing I came across via Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/16a3u2/chemtrail_proof/
One comment makes a valid point, without proof, you have nothing. And that pretty much sums up the problem with every conspiracy theory. I'm sure a round earth was a conspiracy theory for some before there was evidence to suggest it.
There was a point to this though. With regard to the North West Passage, I read that, essentially, the reason, or rather the purpose to discover a navigable trade route was due to a ban via Africa or South America for the likes of anyone without a Portuguese or Spanish passport...or something like that, put in place after Pope Alexander VI split the discovered world. (courtesy of Wikipedia....) But despite the necessity, there is something in us that urges the discovery of the unknown and unseen. And I'm sure it was just really annoying that such a straightforward journey couldn't be got. So, back to the point, no doubt that part of the world is still rich in opportunity for marine trade and possibly fossil fuels ( I personally don't know, just general speculation) but the damned block of ice is inconveniently in the way, therefore, all that is required is a massive heat wave to sure up the route and any useful things that might lie in wait just dying to be used up. Enter, man made global warming. But surely, whether or not someone got the idea that pumping loads of carbon dioxide and other good stuff into the atmosphere would burn a nice tidy hole into the Ozone would increase temperatures bit by bit, you have wonder if at the point people accept this reality, once it starts, why stop it? what is the incentive to reduce heating the globe if there are arctic riches. The Poles and the deep blue sea are the last to be discovered on this earth. There is territory to be owned and all that keeps the (un)civilized world from it is mere frozen substance and below freezing temperatures. At this rate, perhaps in a hundred years the poles will be approachable all year round. Antarctica is a massive continent, as well. Just think of all the amazing things beneath the surface.
It's sad to think about, sad to consider the loss of all the wonderful arctic mammals and fish. There wouldn't be any seals to slaughter. (what would Crozier think if he could see the state of that?) And the question of the poles melting, where does that leave the rest of the inhabited world? Mankind may well have to live in ships.
It's beyond my capacity to fathom. I look out and see grass, April 2nd and it's still flipping freezing. Some jest when welcoming global warming. I hope this summer is a blaze of heat and humidity. It feels like years since I've felt the warmth of the sun on my skin. This reminds me of a twilight zone episode in which the earth is slowly being guided towards the sun, and everyone tried to evacuate towards the poles. It turned out to be the fever dreams of a girl in the midst of an ice age.
Well, I'm not in a position to comment on any of these things. Mere speculation and the ramblings of a mind that just read a book for the first time in a while. I know that before the shit hits the fan and the caps melt, before I die, I want to venture to the land of ice and snow and then return home to my hammock on the porch of my house by the sea.
It was an excellent use of time this past week, if for no other reason than to ignite the blue flame in the part of my brain that loves to read. I have missed that insatiable appetite for turning the page and the excitement of watching the story unfold in my imagination. It also happened to be a very good read. Part historical fiction-part science fiction ( I guess), it follows the tale of the Lost Franklin expedition in 1845 and the disappearance of the entire 128 man crew. A mystery that plagues the minds of people enough to this day to warrant efforts into investigation.
The bits and pieces I have read of the actual known details are fascinating enough, not to mention the arctic mummies on Beechey island
So, it's a very popular story in arctic discovery and exploration. I mean, a book has been written around it. A very very thick book I might add.
The ending is important in all things.
I am not disappointed with the final chapters in The Terror. I am not overly joyed either. I became quite emotional in some instances within the story, perhaps because of the reality of what those 128 men experienced. We'll never know.
So, feeling accomplished in my week's reading and completion of a whole book, and a spark of interest in arctic exploration, I spent some time browsing wikipedia and google maps learning a little more about the area and terrain and that sorta thing. I don't usually look a globes and I'm so used to seeing a horizontal map of the world that when I searched for a global view of the North Pole. I was astonished to see the vast Arctic Sea so...there! I mean, why bother navigating through the Canadian Archipelago where ice is more likely to block the channels and open waterways? Why not just go via the sea? Well, maybe this question is relevant for post 2007 and someone like me who has so little understanding of many things, but before climate change, the arctic sea was a massive block of ice for most of the year, or all of it.
So, anyway, as of summer 2007 the North West Passage is open and ready for business because of, presumably, global warming. The question is whether or not the warming is a natural change or initiated by the work of evil human beans. HAHA! and this is where the conspiracy brain kicks in. I've heard of chemtrails mentioned by the likes of Doreen Virtue on HayHouse Radio and a few other interviewees on Coast to Coast AM and I understand roughly what they are supposed to be. Streaks in the sky released via aircraft that contain chemicals for some purpose. Extinguishing fires, crop dusting, and some people think behavior and weather modification, the latter two with less tangible proof except for one funny thing I came across via Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/16a3u2/chemtrail_proof/
One comment makes a valid point, without proof, you have nothing. And that pretty much sums up the problem with every conspiracy theory. I'm sure a round earth was a conspiracy theory for some before there was evidence to suggest it.
There was a point to this though. With regard to the North West Passage, I read that, essentially, the reason, or rather the purpose to discover a navigable trade route was due to a ban via Africa or South America for the likes of anyone without a Portuguese or Spanish passport...or something like that, put in place after Pope Alexander VI split the discovered world. (courtesy of Wikipedia....) But despite the necessity, there is something in us that urges the discovery of the unknown and unseen. And I'm sure it was just really annoying that such a straightforward journey couldn't be got. So, back to the point, no doubt that part of the world is still rich in opportunity for marine trade and possibly fossil fuels ( I personally don't know, just general speculation) but the damned block of ice is inconveniently in the way, therefore, all that is required is a massive heat wave to sure up the route and any useful things that might lie in wait just dying to be used up. Enter, man made global warming. But surely, whether or not someone got the idea that pumping loads of carbon dioxide and other good stuff into the atmosphere would burn a nice tidy hole into the Ozone would increase temperatures bit by bit, you have wonder if at the point people accept this reality, once it starts, why stop it? what is the incentive to reduce heating the globe if there are arctic riches. The Poles and the deep blue sea are the last to be discovered on this earth. There is territory to be owned and all that keeps the (un)civilized world from it is mere frozen substance and below freezing temperatures. At this rate, perhaps in a hundred years the poles will be approachable all year round. Antarctica is a massive continent, as well. Just think of all the amazing things beneath the surface.
It's sad to think about, sad to consider the loss of all the wonderful arctic mammals and fish. There wouldn't be any seals to slaughter. (what would Crozier think if he could see the state of that?) And the question of the poles melting, where does that leave the rest of the inhabited world? Mankind may well have to live in ships.
It's beyond my capacity to fathom. I look out and see grass, April 2nd and it's still flipping freezing. Some jest when welcoming global warming. I hope this summer is a blaze of heat and humidity. It feels like years since I've felt the warmth of the sun on my skin. This reminds me of a twilight zone episode in which the earth is slowly being guided towards the sun, and everyone tried to evacuate towards the poles. It turned out to be the fever dreams of a girl in the midst of an ice age.
Well, I'm not in a position to comment on any of these things. Mere speculation and the ramblings of a mind that just read a book for the first time in a while. I know that before the shit hits the fan and the caps melt, before I die, I want to venture to the land of ice and snow and then return home to my hammock on the porch of my house by the sea.
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